HEAR Member Benefits
Group Events
Join HEAR Today!To become a HEAR Member, complete our Member Application Form and other required forms included in the packet. Please thoroughly read all information in the packet. By signing the HEAR Member Application Form, you are agreeing with and to respect the HEAR Statement of Purpose and Belief, and to adhere to the HEAR Code of Conduct. Please note, membership is for the HEAR Fiscal year, August 1st - July 31st.. Membership is not prorated. Becoming a HEAR Member, Step One: Complete a Membership Form Click the button below to submit your form. Returning members should also submit a form annually. You will not receive emails about HEAR events if you do not submit a membership form each year. Step Two: Pay Dues
HEAR dues are $30 per family annually. An early-bird discount is offered through August 31st. . Annual dues are just $25.00 per household through August 31st. You may pay dues using PayPal or pay in person at our HEAR Kickoff Meeting. Dues may also be paid by check payable to HEAR and mailed (address below). To pay online: You may pay online using PayPal. Please send the money to [email protected] (send to family and friend). Dues are only $25 in the month of August. Checks Payable to HEAR and mailed to: HEAR P.O. Box 792 Roxboro, N.C. 27573 After August 31st, annual dues are $30.00 per household. |
PayPal Payment Option
You may pay your HEAR membership dues online using PayPal.
Membership dues are $30.oo per household for the fiscal year (August 1st - July 31st). During the month of August each year, HEAR offers a reduced rate of $25. Don't forget to submit your 2024 - 2025 Membership Form. You will not receive emails about HEAR events if your form isn't received. Use our HEAR address, [email protected]
Please be sure to denote in the memo the reason for the transfer, membership dues. |